What I’m doing now
I’ve started to use social media less, and I typically reserve blog posts for completed projects, so consider this a list of works-in-progress for things outside of my day jobs.Regular blogging
I rarely write for myself, which is something I wanted to correct in 2024. I tried blogging in college, but that was more career-driven and I wound up writing guides on logo design and public relations, which felt more like content marketing than blogging.
Data server efforts
I’ve taken steps to become more tech independent and archiving a lot of my personal data, distancing myself from services and companies offering storage solutions. I built a home NAS using a ZimaBlade 7700 and currently use it as a home base for media, projects, etc... cutting monthly costs by no longer subscribing to streaming services or paying for expanded cloud storage.
Learning Latin
I started learning Latin at the end of 2022. Originally, I was using Duolingo, but after a few months of being in a Latin learning community Discord server, I learned I was doing it all wrong. I now use the Lingua Latina: Familia Romana workbook, which has been invaluable. I’ve taken some time off to focus on other areas of interest, but I try and visit it every so often to stay fresh.
Linguam Latinam discere coepi exeunte anno MMXXII. Primum Duolingo utebar, sed post paucos menses in Discord servo communitatis discendi Latinae, intellexi me omnia perperam facere. Nunc libro 'Lingua Latina: Familia Romana' utor, qui mihi perutilis fuit. Aliquantum temporis absumpsi ut alias studii res curarem, sed interdum eo redeo ut memoriam refricem.
Last updated January 3, 2025