A Rabbit Hole of New Questions
“Every question leads to new answers, new discoveries, and new smarter questions.”
— Bill Nye
I’ve previously written about how my career started in one place, and as I’ve explored new realms, I’ve unlocked new areas of interest.
Starting off as a communications major in community college, I was fascinated with, theoretically, how people communicate and share stories with each other. This led me to majoring in public relations, sticking with storytelling but doing so verbally and through written language. I then discovered data visualization, which is finding stories in large data sets and communicating said information with diverse audiences.
Now, this is where I’ve started to deviate a bit more in the past year.
Most certainly influenced by my friends who are more tech-centered—combined with being around data all day long—I’ve found myself with a deepening interest in data archiving and database systems. Do I have any background in server infastructure or data systems? No. But I’ve started to focus some time and energy into learning more about them.
I started by tinkering with a ZimaBlade 7700 and building a home media server, digitizing my physical media. This taught me some basic Linux and data infastructure. I’ve started to expand, using server space to create a home NAS and learn more about how different devices on the network can engage with it. Next, I want to expand by possibly building a custom setup and playing around with Linux. Am I focusing in the wrong areas? Any advice? Reach out, I’m always happy to hear people out.
While I’ve certainly deviating from my storytelling path, I’m excited to be going in a direction I’ve never stepped foot in. I’ve been a creative all my life, so when I went into a creative-driven career, it wasn’t that big of a stretch. This is completely new to me. But you know what Shakespeare said: “Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.“